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Created by Justice McGaughey
Created on Sep 26, 2024

Add more search bar filters

It would be great if when searching for a particular style of beat if could have “people you follow” and “recommended” as a filter to select so say you want to find a boom bap beat maybe by someone you already follow or recommended to what your use to finding based off favorites or people you follow. There is many tracks people havent discovered maybe due to filters, i know you can go on a particular page and find stuff that way but when generally searching it would be easier too. Sometimes people work in different genres and so much easier if you could just enter that filter in search bar so maybe can find a new track you havent heard by someone you already follow or recommended etc

  • Admin
    Lee Owen
    Sep 30, 2024

    Thank you for your suggestion, and we appreciate you taking the time to share your ideas with us.

    While we don’t have plans to implement a feature that allows you to search by people you follow at this time, we will certainly consider it for the future.

    Thanks again!