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Created by Justice McGaughey
Created on Jan 19, 2023

Filters for popularity of tracks/producers

Sometimes you search for a type beat or something of a particular artist but it would be great to filter and see what ones have been heard the most or even which ones have been used the most already vs tracks nobody has used yet and so on, it could really help break down if you need a particular type of sound or if your looking for something nobody heard/used yet. Also might be cool to see if beat has been used for a song already or what artists have used that beat/see the song title/artist name and hear what they did with that beat for they’re song etc

  • Admin
    Lee Owen
    Apr 22, 2024

    Thank you for your comment and suggestion. We do currently provide filters that allow you to go deeper into what you are looking for. The relevance filter also includes personalisation, so it will present content that is relevant to the particular listener.

    We used to have filter options on creator profiles that allowed you to filter by top-selling content. We plan to bring this back soon and this should help you to sort tracks by top-selling and also find tracks that may have not been purchased before.